Welche Farbe?

Diskutiere Welche Farbe? im Forum Zebrafinken im Bereich Prachtfinken - I have this most beautiful Zebra finch boy named Álmos and I´m curius about his color. If enyone have a clue what color he his I would love to...
Hey, let me have a guess! I have no idea what it might be called in english, but the german name is "Orangebrust Schwarzbrust Schwarzbart grau".
This is a picture for you to compare:

Looks quite similar, don't you think?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
You have some really beautiful birds, i saw them in the picture thread. My favorites are "Ákafi" and Agata! :zustimm:
Thema: Welche Farbe?