Ukraine Rümänien der Nachrichten Thread

Diskutiere Ukraine Rümänien der Nachrichten Thread im Forum Vogelgrippe / Geflügelpest im Bereich Allgemeine Foren - Wie schon im vorigen Thread berichtet, bekämpft die Ukraine die Vögel mit Napalm (ich sage absichtlich "Vögel", und nicht "Vogelgrippe")...


Wie schon im vorigen Thread berichtet, bekämpft die Ukraine die Vögel mit Napalm (ich sage absichtlich "Vögel", und nicht "Vogelgrippe")
Ukraine’s President Viktor Yushchenko has proclaimed the state of emergency in the Crimea peninsula to combat the first outbreak of bird flue in the country. Three tons of napalm have been delivered already to destroy carcasses of birds dead because of the flue, which is said to have been carried from the eastern Russia. Russia’s epidemiologists vow the country is under no threat of pandemic till spring

Bereits seit einem Monat wurden “Verluste” von Vögeln registriert, das Massensterben begann dann am 2.12.05. Die „overnight-mortality“ beträgt über 90 %.

Heute wurde gemeldet, dass die bisherigen Maßnahmen eine weitere Ausbreitung nicht verhindern konnten:

Derzeitige Ausbreitung:
Krim: farms of Sovetsky, Dzhankoisky, neu dazugekommen in der Nord Ost Krim: Nizhnegorodsky Akimovka, Krasnoflotnoe, Dmitrovka, and Chernozemnoe

Die Symptomatik unterscheidet sich erheblich von den bisher bekannten Fällen:
“The virus behavior is different from what Russia or Romania had,” said Pyotr Verbitsky, chief state veterinary inspector of Ukraine. “The illness shows no symptoms. For instance, a bird is still healthy tonight but it would be dead tomorrow.” Verbitsky’s words were echoed by Maria Miroshnichenko, head of Crimean veterinary department. “The effect is so strong that it doesn’t allow clinical signs to develop. The cutting shows no damaged internals, the death comes in no time.”

Mögliche Herkunft des Virus:
Verbitsky blames the outbreak on the birds of passage that arrive from Siberia and Povolzhie and head for Italy. “Migration will be in the opposite direction in spring,” he said. “So we have to think of preventive actions very seriously.”

“Most likely, the flue has been brought by our birds from the Tula or Astrakhan regions, where the cases were reported,” said Viktor Maleev, chief infection disease officer at the RF Health Ministry. The pandemic will hardly immediately return to Russia “because of the low temperature.” “Anyway, the troubles, if any, could be expected no sooner than in spring.”
The poultry is thought to have contracted the virus from wild birds, millions of which use the nearby Sivash saltwater lake as either a wintering site or a stopover point on their winter migration route. — AFP Mass poultry deaths have been recorded in six more villages in Ukraine's Crimea, where an H5-type bird flu virus was detected over the weekend, emergency ministry officials told AFP

Anscheinend fällt das geographische Verteilungsmuster der Ausbrüche nunmehr doch mit den Zugvogelflugrouten zusammen. Diese Frage war bisher nicht geklärt bzw. bestritten worden. In Tula hatten die Russen übrigen H5N1 nicht bestätigt.

Verbitzky ist übrigens mittlerweile von Präsident Yutschenko gefeuert.

Ukraine: Keine Entwarnung

Ein russisches Labor bestätigte die Identität des Virus mit den in Asien nachgewiesenen Stämmen. Die Ergebnisse des britischen Laabors werden im Lauf der kommenden wo erwartet.

Seit dem 3.12. brach die Epidemie in 9 Dörfern aus, weiter 8 einschließlich der Vororte von Sewastopol stehen nach Auftreten weiterer Vögelmassensterben unter Beobachtung.

Insgesamt 37,405 Vögel aus drei Krim Regionen sind bisher beschlagnahmt worden.
Mehr als 140000 US$ sollen als Entschädigzung gezahlt werden.

Die Mitarbeiter der Gesundheitsbehörden haben 23954 landwirtschaftliche Betriebe inspiziert und 8977 Impfungen durchgeführt.

Über 420 Menschen stehen unter medizinischer Beobachtung. 61,778 wurden untersucht. Bisher ist niemand erkrankt.

Rumänien:H5N1 ist nun auch außerhalb des Donaudeltas nachgewiesen

Im Ort Scarlatesti, etwa 110 km westlich der Stelle, wo das Virus erstmals aufgetreten ist, wurde ein Truthahn positiv getestet.

Das Virus ist damit in dichter besiedelte Gebiete eingedrungen und jetzt noch 170 km von bukarest entfernt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Offizieller OIE H5N1 Zwischenbericht Rumänien

Follow-up report No. 12

See also: 9 December 2005, 2 December 2005, 2 December 2005, 25 November 2005, 18 November 2005, 4 November 2005, 4 November 2005, 28 October 2005, 21 October 2005, 21 October 2005, 14 October 2005, 14 October 2005

Information received on 12 and 15 December 2005 from Dr Gabriel Predoi, Director General, National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority, Bucharest:

End of previous report period: 8 December 2005 (see Disease Information, 18 [49], 497, dated 9 December 2005).

End of this report period: 15 December 2005.

Identification of agent: highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus serotype H5.

Date of first confirmation of the event: 7 October 2005.
Date of start of the event: 4 October 2005.
Nature of diagnosis: clinical and laboratory.
Confirmation of outbreak:
The suspected outbreak in the village of Crisan (Crisan district, Tulcea county), which was reported in Follow-up Report No. 11, was confirmed by the laboratory(1).

New outbreaks:
Description of affected population in the new outbreaks: backyard flocks.
Laboratory where diagnostic tests were performed Outbreak Samples examined Diagnostic tests used Date Results
Institute for Diagnostics and Animal Health (national reference laboratory) Tataru village Samples were taken from 2 hens, as follows:

- 10 cloacal swabs and organs (brain, lungs, trachea, bowels, heart, liver, kidneys).
a. RT-PCR(3) for detection of specific viral genome;
b. rapid test for HPAI diagnosis;
c. virus isolation in SPF(2) embryonated eggs.
13 Dec. 2005 a. positive;
b. positive;
c. positive.

Goidesti village Samples were taken from 1 hen and 1 turkey hen, as follows:
- 10 cloacal swabs and 6 tracheal swabs from 1 hen and 1 turkey hen;
- organs (brain, lungs, trachea, bowels, heart, liver, kidneys) from 1 hen.
a. rapid test for the detection of HPAI viral antigen;
b. RT-PCR(3) for detection of specific viral genome;
c. virus isolation in SPF(2) embryonated eggs.
12 Dec. 2005 a. positive;
b. positive;
c. positive for all samples.

Padina village Samples were taken from poultry (12 ducks+7 hens), as follows:
- 105 cloacal swabs and 42 tracheal swabs from 12 ducks and 7 hens;
- organs (brain, lungs, trachea, bowels, heart, liver, kidneys) from 3 hens;
- 6 blood samples from ducks.
virus isolation in SPF(2) embryonated eggs 12 Dec. 2005 positive for all samples examined

Tonea village Samples were taken from 5 hens, as follows:
- 25 cloacal and tracheal swabs;
- organs (brain, lungs, trachea, bowels, heart, liver, kidneys).
a. rapid test for the detection of HPAI viral antigen;
b. RT-PCR(3) for detection of specific viral genome;
c. virus isolation in SPF(2) embryonated eggs.
13 Dec. 2005 a. positive;
b. positive;
c. positive.

Origin of infection: contact with wild birds.

Control measures

A. Undertaken:
- stamping out (outbreaks in Padina and Goidesti);
- partial stamping out (outbreaks in Tataru and Tonea);
- quarantine;
- movement control inside the country;
- screening;
- zoning;
- disinfection of infected premises/establishments.

B. To be undertaken:
- control of wildlife reservoirs.
Vaccination prohibited: no.
Other details/comments:
Outbreak (village) Control measures Epidemiology
Tataru Control measures have been applied in Tataru in the past few days: partial stamping out has been applied to the infected premises and to neighbouring backyard premises, in accordance with the legislative provisions in force (Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development Order No. 311, Art. 10). A total of 2,485 poultry were culled and destroyed. Corpses were destroyed by burning and burying. Backyard premises in the locality have been disinfected.

Movement control has been applied to people, poultry, poultry products, feed, etc.
There is a lake in immediate vicinity of the village which justifies the presence of migratory birds in the affected area.
Goidesti The application of control measures began on 11 December 2005. The outbreak appeared in a hamlet with only five households.
Padina The application of control measures began on 12 December 2005. The entire flock of Padina consists of almost 47,000 poultry. Stamping out will be applied to all birds within the affected locality. Culling of poultry will be performed by gassing with CO2 in containers. Corpses will be destroyed by burning and burying. Backyard premises and roads in the locality will be disinfected.

Movement control will be applied to all transport of people, poultry, poultry products, feed, etc.
In the affected area there are no lakes or pools that could account for the presence of migratory birds. The infection probably took place when a flock of migrating birds stopped to rest.
Tonea The application of control measures began on 14 December 2005. Partial stamping out is being applied in the infected backyard premises and in the immediate vicinity. A total of 375 poultry have been culled, and 29 premises have been disinfected.

Movement control has been applied to the entire village.
The outbreak appeared in a small village in the vicinity of Danube meadow land and some small lakes, alongside the corridors used by migrating birds. The main concern in this case is the presence of some large poultry farms around Modelu district.

Final report: no.

(1) Note by the OIE Animal Health Information Department: this information, which was received at the OIE Headquarters on 6 December 2005, was inadvertently omitted from Disease Information, 18 (49), 497-499.
(2) SPF: specific pathogen-free
(3) RT-PCR: reverse transcriptase - polymerase chain reaction

Anmerkung: Wenn die angegebene Einschleppung des Virus durch Wildvögel zutreffen würde, wäre in jedem Fall zu erwarten, dass zwischenzeitlich tote oder kranke Wildvögel auftauchen oder zumindest endlich Beweise durch Biomonitoring vorgelegt werden.

Wer ständig die „die-Wildvögel-sind–an–allem-Schuld-Theorie“ anführt, sollte der Öffentlichkeit endlich mal schlüssige Belege vorlegen

Man kann schön langsam den Eindruck gewinnen, dass die ständige Wiederholung dieses Unsinns Methode hat.
Russland/Kalmükische Rep.120 Schwäne an AIV eingegangen

120 Schwäne sind in der Kalmükischen Republik/Russland tot aufgefunden worden, die Region wurde zum Hochrisikogebiet für AIV erklärt, und der Fundort unter quantäne gestellt.

Zuvor war vom Russischen Forschungsinst für Tiergesundheit festgetellt worden, dass es sich um Vogelgrippe handelt.
Ukraine: Vögel lebend verbrannt

Avian flu infected birds are burnt alive (Ukraine)
Read it in Russian

Crimean officials state the outbreak of bird flu is under control of the services in charge. As Deputy Head of the Crimean department of the Ukrainian Emergency Ministry Anrdey Vatolin told REGNUM, by 11:00 a.m. on December 8 all the activities to withdraw and annihilate the poultry infected by bird flu have been completed. Overall, since December 3 to 7, 32,500 birds were seized from the local 2.000 households. The households were treated with a special

The birds are brought to a burial ground near the village of Yemelyanovka, where they are processed in a disinfection chamber, and after that burnt. After several reports with footage of the living creatures still moving in sacks while being thrown to the fire, the question was posed about the moral background of the issue, but the claims went down in the concerns over the people’s health.

Crimean Chief Sanitary Inspector Maria Krovyakova still insists, that no cases of humans infected by bird flu have been registered yet, and the vaccination of the people in the infected areas is coming to an end.
Thema: Ukraine Rümänien der Nachrichten Thread

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